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Robson J. "Natural History"

Описание: It is in the far future. The human species has diversified. Alongside the seed-forms of the Unevolved (ordinary humans) live and work the Augmented, people who have been forged, not born. Nonetheless the Augmented are human beneath their vast and complex biotechnological bodies which allow them to live deep in the oceans and out in space. As far as they're 

ISBN: 9780330489430

Издательство: Pan Books

Автор: Robson Justina

Язык: английское издание
Формат: 175х110х25 мм, Страниц: 393
Год издания: 2003, Переплёт: мягкий

Вес: 0.200 кг.

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Ожидаемая дата передачи заказа в службу доставки:


818 руб.

От издателя:

It is in the far future. The human species has diversified. Alongside the seed-forms of the Unevolved (ordinary humans) live and work the Augmented, people who have been forged, not born. Nonetheless the Augmented are human beneath their vast and complex biotechnological bodies which allow them to live deep in the oceans and out in space. As far as they're 

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