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Mills K. "Free Fall"

Описание: A top-secret FBI file - buried in an anonymous government warehouse since J Edgar Hoover's death - is missing. The unlucky student who uncovered it is dead, and now his ex-girlfriend is on the run, accused of murder. The only man everyone agrees can find her and turn up the explosive document is 'off-duty', suspended and under the threat of prosecution by the bureau itself. Mark Beamon knows better than anyone that this is his last shot to save his career - and his country. Tracking the young woman down, though, will be the hardest assignment he's ever tackled, for she's a world-class rock-climber who can drop out of sight anywhere in the globe. And even if he finds her and the file, who can he trust when the FBI itself is under suspicion? Beamon has no room for wrong guesses or moves, if he is to avoid free falling out of the bureau and straight into prison - or worse.

ISBN: 9780340734247

Издательство: Hodder

Автор: Mills Kyle

Язык: английское издание
Формат: 175х110х30  мм, Страниц: 564
Год издания: 2005, Переплёт: мягкий

Вес: 0.280 кг.

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От издателя:

A top-secret FBI file - buried in an anonymous government warehouse since J Edgar Hoover's death - is missing. The unlucky student who uncovered it is dead, and now his ex-girlfriend is on the run, accused of murder. The only man everyone agrees can find her and turn up the explosive document is 'off-duty', suspended and under the threat of prosecution by the bureau itself. Mark Beamon knows better than anyone that this is his last shot to save his career - and his country. Tracking the young woman down, though, will be the hardest assignment he's ever tackled, for she's a world-class rock-climber who can drop out of sight anywhere in the globe. And even if he finds her and the file, who can he trust when the FBI itself is under suspicion? Beamon has no room for wrong guesses or moves, if he is to avoid free falling out of the bureau and straight into prison - or worse.

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